Number of unstable eigenvalues/Floquet multipliers along branch
function [nunst,dom,triv_defect,points]=GetStability(branch,varargin)
- branch: branch along which number of unstable eigenvalues/Floquet multipliers is determined
Important name-value pair inputs
- 'exclude_trivial' (logical): exclude trivial eigenvalues (what they are depends on the type of points)
- 'locate_trivial' (function): e.g. @(p)[1;-1] for removing 1 and -1 for period doubling orbits (overwrites standard location)
- 'funcs': set of functions for computing branch, needed if stability information is not yet present and needs to be calculated
- 'method': which method is used for comutation (if not present, a standard method is generated with df_mthod)
- 'recompute' (default false): force recomputation of stability even if it is present.
- nunst (vector of integers): number of unstable eigenvalues
- dom (vector of real/complex): dominant eigenvalue (closest unstable to bifurcation if exists, otherwise, closest stable)
- triv_defect (vector of real): distance of eigenvalue approximating trivial eigenvalue from its true value
- points (struct array): array of points (same as in input branch but with stability info if not present on input)
(c) DDE-BIFTOOL v. 3.1.1(20), 11/04/2014
process options
defaults={'exclude_trivial',false,'locate_trivial',[],'funcs',[],'critical',false,... 'points',[],'method',[],'recompute',false}; options=dde_set_options(defaults,varargin);
check if stability has been computed already & compute if necessary
if isfield(branch,'point') points=branch.point; if ~isempty(options.points) % select only some points if desired points=branch.point(options.points); end else points=branch; end if isfield(branch,'method') && isfield(branch.method,'stability') mth=branch.method; elseif ~isempty(options.method) mth=options.method; else mth=df_mthod(options.funcs,points(1).kind); end for i=1:length(points) if options.recompute || ~isfield(points(i),'stability') ||... isempty(points(i).stability) stab=p_stabil(options.funcs,points(i),mth.stability); points(i).stability=stab; end end
Count nmber of unstable eigenvalues
(removing trivial ones as indicated by locate_trivial input or standard theory)
np=length(points); nunst=NaN(np,1); dom=nunst; triv_defect=zeros(np,1); switch points(1).kind case 'psol' getev=@(p); stab=@(x)log(abs(x)+eps); triv=@(p)1; case 'stst' getev=@(p)p.stability.l0; stab=@(x)real(x); triv=@(p)[]; case 'fold' getev=@(p)p.stability.l0; stab=@(x)real(x); triv=@(p)0; case 'hopf' getev=@(p)p.stability.l0; stab=@(x)real(x); triv=@(p)[1i*;-1i*]; otherwise error('GetStability:type not implemented'); end if ~isempty(options.locate_trivial) % overwrite location of trivial eigenvalues triv=options.locate_trivial; end for i=1:np p=points(i); excl=triv(p); ev=getev(p); if options.exclude_trivial for k=1:length(excl) [dist,ind]=min(abs(ev-excl(k))); ev(ind)=[]; if ~isempty(dist) triv_defect(i)=max(dist,triv_defect(i)); end end end unstsel=stab(ev)>=0; nunstloc=sum(unstsel); if isempty(nunstloc) nunst(i)=0; else nunst(i)=nunstloc; end if nunst(i)>0 && ~options.critical [dum,ind]=min(stab(ev(unstsel))); %#ok<ASGLU> dom(i)=ev(ind); if imag(ev(ind))<0 dom(i)=conj(dom(i)); end else [dum,ind]=min(abs(stab(ev))); if ~isempty(dum) dom(i)=ev(ind); if imag(ev(ind))<0 dom(i)=conj(dom(i)); end end end end