Minimal demo - Folds and torus bifurcations of periodic orbits

This part creates the computations that require the extension ddebiftool_extra_psol. This demo requires minimal_demo_stst_psol.html to have run beforehand.

(c) DDE-BIFTOOL v. 3.1.1(86), 07/01/2015


Find fold of periodic orbits

Similar to SetupHopf, one can use SetupPOfold to initialize a branch of fold periodic orbits, starting from a fold discovered by either a fold in the parameter or a change in stability along a single-parameter family of periodic orbits. However, SetupPOfold has the additional output argument pfuncs, which defines the extended system with the help of the user-defined functions in funcs.

function [pfuncs,pbranch,suc]=SetupPOfold(funcs,branch,ind,varargin)



Other inputs are name-value pairs, the most important are

disp('Find and continue fold of periodic orbits in tau and b');
per_orb.parameter.max_step=[1,0.5]; % remove step size restriction
if suc
    disp('POFold initialization finished');
    warning('POFold initialization failed');
Find and continue fold of periodic orbits in tau and b
it=1, res=3.75294e-05
it=2, res=0.00717389
it=3, res=7.01933e-05
it=4, res=3.21541e-08
it=5, res=5.78634e-09
it=1, res=0.00420602
it=2, res=8.20325e-09
it=1, res=0.0100461
it=2, res=0.000400636
it=3, res=3.83424e-06
it=4, res=3.63444e-07
it=5, res=4.55071e-09
it=1, res=0.000589369
it=2, res=5.89413e-09
POFold initialization finished

Continue the fold in tau and b toward decreasing b

The outputs of SetupPOfold get passed on into br_contn to perform the continuation of folds of periodic orbits.

it=1, res=0.00106815
it=2, res=3.28796e-07
it=3, res=9.1715e-09
it=1, res=0.00153169
it=2, res=3.38639e-07
it=3, res=2.92177e-08
it=4, res=6.70141e-09
it=1, res=0.000402755
it=2, res=1.19059e-08
it=3, res=5.45803e-09
it=1, res=0.00223242
it=2, res=6.96821e-07
it=3, res=1.36168e-07
it=4, res=5.76618e-09
it=1, res=0.00322294
it=2, res=1.30574e-06
it=3, res=4.21455e-08
it=4, res=4.96556e-09
it=1, res=0.00468609
it=2, res=2.28358e-06

Find first torus bifurcation

The function SetupTorusBifurcation works in the same way as SetupPOfold. It returns an extended system suitable for continuation of torus bifurcations of periodic orbits, and the initial piece of branch with the first two points already corrected (if desired). Starting point is the last periodic orbit in per_orb with 3 unstable Floquet multipliers.

disp('Find and continue 1st torus bifurcation in tau and b');
disp('TorusBif initialization finished');
Find and continue 1st torus bifurcation in tau and b
TorusBif initialization finished

Continue torus bifurcation in parameters tau and b toward decreasing |b

(turns around in Hopf-Hopf bifurcation)


Find 2nd torus bifurcation

There were two torus bifurcations along the per_orb branch. So, we continue the second torus bifurcation, too. Starting point is the first stable periodic orbit in per_orb.

disp('Find and continue 2nd torus bifurcation in tau and b');
disp('TorusBif initialization finished');
Find and continue 2nd torus bifurcation in tau and b
TorusBif initialization finished

Continue 2nd torus bifurcation in parameters tau and b toward decreasing |b


Save all results --

A separate script checks the Floquet multipliers along the newly computed bifurcating orbits. Final results in minimal_demo_plot_2dbif.html.
