User-provided partial derivatives of right-hand side f
Implementation for tutorial demo neuron:
function J=neuron_sys_deri(xx,par,nx,np,v)
% (c) DDE-BIFTOOL v. 3.1.1(20), 11/04/2014
If a user-provided function is not provided, DDE-Biftool will use finite-difference approximation (implemented in df_deriv.m).
function J=neuron_sys_deri(xx,par,nx,np,v)
Parameter vector
par .
if length(nx)==1 && isempty(np) && isempty(v)
First-order derivatives wrt to state nx+1
if nx==0 % derivative wrt x(t) J(1,1)=-par(1); J(2,2)=-par(1); elseif nx==1 % derivative wrt x(t-tau1) J(2,1)=par(4)*(1-tanh(xx(1,2))^2); J(2,2)=0; elseif nx==2 % derivative wrt x(t-tau2) J(1,2)=par(3)*(1-tanh(xx(2,3))^2); J(2,2)=0; elseif nx==3 % derivative wrt x(t-tau_s) J(1,1)=par(2)*(1-tanh(xx(1,4))^2); J(2,2)=par(2)*(1-tanh(xx(2,4))^2); end
elseif isempty(nx) && length(np)==1 && isempty(v)
First order derivatives wrt parameters
if np==1 % derivative wrt kappa J(1,1)=-xx(1,1); J(2,1)=-xx(2,1); elseif np==2 % derivative wrt beta J(1,1)=tanh(xx(1,4)); J(2,1)=tanh(xx(2,4)); elseif np==3 % derivative wrt a12 J(1,1)=tanh(xx(2,3)); J(2,1)=0; elseif np==4 % derivative wrt a21 J(2,1)=tanh(xx(1,2)); elseif np==5 || np==6 || np==7 % derivative wrt tau J=zeros(2,1); end;
elseif length(nx)==1 && length(np)==1 && isempty(v)
Mixed state, parameter derivatives
if nx==0 % derivative wrt x(t) if np==1 % derivative wrt beta J(1,1)=-1; J(2,2)=-1; else J=zeros(2); end; elseif nx==1 % derivative wrt x(t-tau1) if np==4 % derivative wrt a21 J(2,1)=1-tanh(xx(1,2))^2; J(2,2)=0; else J=zeros(2); end; elseif nx==2 % derivative wrt x(t-tau2) if np==3 % derivative wrt a12 J(1,2)=1-tanh(xx(2,3))^2; J(2,2)=0; else J=zeros(2); end; elseif nx==3 % derivative wrt x(t-tau_s) if np==2 % derivative wrt beta J(1,1)=1-tanh(xx(1,4))^2; J(2,2)=1-tanh(xx(2,4))^2; else J=zeros(2); end; end;
elseif length(nx)==2 && isempty(np) && ~isempty(v)
Second order derivatives wrt state variables
if nx(1)==0 % first derivative wrt x(t) J=zeros(2); elseif nx(1)==1 % first derivative wrt x(t-tau1) if nx(2)==1 th=tanh(xx(1,2)); J(2,1)=-2*par(4)*th*(1-th*th)*v(1); J(2,2)=0; else J=zeros(2); end; elseif nx(1)==2 % derivative wrt x(t-tau2) if nx(2)==2 th=tanh(xx(2,3)); J(1,2)=-2*par(3)*th*(1-th*th)*v(2); J(2,2)=0; else J=zeros(2); end elseif nx(1)==3 % derivative wrt x(t-tau_s) if nx(2)==3 th1=tanh(xx(1,4)); J(1,1)=-2*par(2)*th1*(1-th1*th1)*v(1); th2=tanh(xx(2,4)); J(2,2)=-2*par(2)*th2*(1-th2*th2)*v(2); else J=zeros(2); end end
Otherwise raise error
Raise error if the requested derivative does not exist
if isempty(J) error(['SYS_DERI: requested derivative nx=%d, np=%d, size(v)=%d',... 'could not be computed!'],nx,np,size(v)); end